FPW: Fórum de Pro Wrestling
Triple H - Página 11 Novo

O FPW, Fórum de Pro Wrestling, é uma comunidade com mais de oito anos constituída por centenas de users cujo o assunto que os liga é o wrestling! Temos os últimos shows, PPV's, passatempos, debates, votações, e ainda uma vasta zona multimédia. Para teres acesso a tudo isto, só necessitas de te registar! Junta-te a nós.
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FPW: Fórum de Pro Wrestling
Triple H - Página 11 Novo

O FPW, Fórum de Pro Wrestling, é uma comunidade com mais de oito anos constituída por centenas de users cujo o assunto que os liga é o wrestling! Temos os últimos shows, PPV's, passatempos, debates, votações, e ainda uma vasta zona multimédia. Para teres acesso a tudo isto, só necessitas de te registar! Junta-te a nós.
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Triple H

Cavaco Silva
Jack Laree
Adam Puck
Crazy Boy
Soares Stroke
The Wolverine
Mr Xtreme
Dr. Eira
35 participantes

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Mensagem por admin Qua Nov 27 2013, 18:32

Triple H fala do sucesso do Total Divas, novos talentos da WWE, regresso ao ringues, etc.

Triple H deu uma entrevista ao Morning Buzz. Eis os highlights:..

Returning to the ring: "I'm not back in the ring yet, but I expect it to be broken [his time out of the ring] shortly, probably."

Being busier than ever: "It's so much busier now. Then, it was hectic. It was busy. I don't want to say it wasn't busy, but it was just a lot of travel, a lot of being here and being there. Now, it's trying to do all that, but [also] juggle all these other things, the corporate responsibility, and trying to be…trying to learn a whole new world, being an executive and not just being one of the performers. As much as people think I like doing it, it's hard, man. When Vince will ask to put us back in the show, it's really difficult to do all the things you have to do behind the scenes all day long, and then right before, it's almost invariably every week, right before RAW goes on the air, like 20 minutes before, I'm like, what am I doing again?

"I've been putting together everybody else's stuff, organizing and getting the show going all day long, and doing all the things that I have to do all day long and dealing with everything else, and your stuff tends to come last. I have to put it all together. It's just funny now on Monday nights because Steph's the same way. When she's there, we have to grab each other like 20, 30 minutes before we go live and just like, alright, we have to get our own stuff here. What are we doing?"

Up and coming stars: "We got a ton of guys. I look at the last year, and especially for me, that's really one of the things that I do that I like the most, helping the young talent and developing the young talent and stuff, and in the last year The Shield have all come up, and that's a massive group of three, just immensely talented guys that are all going to be massive stars, already are. The Wyatts, again, three more guys that are just incredibly talented and destined for huge things. This weekend we had a new Intercontinental Champion, Big E Langston. Here's a guy that came up in the past year that has just made phenomenal strides. We have a lot guys. For all of them, we have 80 talent or so sitting down, or more, depending on the time, sitting down in developmental just chomping at the bit for the opportunity. It's great. It's really created a competitive environment and for people interested in that, seeing where these guys come from, we have a show, right now it airs on Hulu, but it's called NXT. NXT is basically a show that, it's all our developmental talent. If you were watching it a year and a half ago, you would've seen the Shield, you would have seen the Wyatts, you would have seen Big E. Langston, all those guys, as they were coming up in the developmental system, before they got to the main roster. It's a really cool opportunity to see them before."

Shawne Merriman at the Performance Center: "He kind of wanted to keep it down low, and he was like hey. He didn't want anybody to know he was there, you know? While we were there he was like, you mind if I throw this up, like take a shot of this and put it on Twitter, and I'm like, I thought you didn't want anybody to know you were here? Oh no, I'm just going to throw it up on my Twitter account. [laughter] I'm like, dude, you put this place up on your Twitter account, it'll be all over the globe in like five minutes."

If he thought Total Divas would be this successful: "We hoped it would. It's one of those things that for years we've said listen, as much as people enjoy the day to day shows and what we do as a show, if they knew the behind the scenes and they saw some of these people behind the scenes…I don't know. I'm not a fan of reality television. I find those shows mind numbing, to me. I just don't have the time to watch them, but there's a big audience for it. When I watch those shows I think, my God, if people are interested in this, if they knew the real [story], what goes on with most of our talent and their day to day dramas and all of the stuff that goes on, it's just, there are shows sitting there. I think the Divas was the first foray into that and it's wildly successful."

Masculino Número de Mensagens : 19764
Idade : 30
Localização : Porto
Emprego/lazer : Estudante
Data de inscrição : 23/12/2008


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Mensagem por admin Dom Dez 15 2013, 19:12

Motivo de Triple H querer contratar mais equipas

Foi reportado que Triple H pretende nos próximos meses melhorar o booking da divisão de equipas da WWE e por isso ia investir na contratação de equipas....

Segundo fontes, o verdadeiro desejo de Triple H não é melhorar a divisão de equipas mas sim encher na totalidade o centro de treinos da WWE pois é um grande objectivo na companhia no próximo ano esgotar a lotação do espaço. Esta será uma boa razão para as contratações de Eddie Edwards e Davey Richards.

Masculino Número de Mensagens : 19764
Idade : 30
Localização : Porto
Emprego/lazer : Estudante
Data de inscrição : 23/12/2008


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Mensagem por admin Qui Jan 02 2014, 19:03

Triple H lança teaser para participantes no Elimination Chamber Match

Durante a entrevista semanal a Michael Cole, Triple H indicou que o main-event do PPV Elimination Chamber em Fevereiro deverá ser um Elimination Chamber Match pelo WWE World Heavyweight Title e mencionou os seguintes lutadores Batista, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk e Daniel Bryan.


Masculino Número de Mensagens : 19764
Idade : 30
Localização : Porto
Emprego/lazer : Estudante
Data de inscrição : 23/12/2008


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Mensagem por Diego_Barros Qui Jan 02 2014, 22:30

Que dream match. Espero que se venha a concretizar.
APW Superstar

Masculino Número de Mensagens : 178
Idade : 26
Localização : Setúbal
Emprego/lazer : Annoyer Profissional
Data de inscrição : 01/01/2014

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Mensagem por Ryder Qui Jan 02 2014, 23:22

Só nomes de qualidade, do it.
Campeão Nacional do WP

Masculino Número de Mensagens : 448
Idade : 29
Localização : CB
Emprego/lazer : na tua mãe
Data de inscrição : 22/09/2012

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Mensagem por Ribeiro Qui Jan 02 2014, 23:24

Era um grande Elimination Chamber,mas sendo assim quem ganharia a Rumble?
WWE Tag Team Champion

Masculino Número de Mensagens : 21976
Idade : 99
Localização : Mordor
Emprego/lazer : Hater
Data de inscrição : 27/12/2013

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Triple H - Página 11 Empty Re: Triple H

Mensagem por admin Qui Fev 20 2014, 15:35

Triple H indica que foi ele o criador do Elimination Chamber.

WN escreveu:Em entrevista ao WWE.com, Triple H indicou que foi o homem por detrás da criação do Elimination Chamber match. Triple H disse:...

"I'm the one who invented it. I drew a square cage and put four other squares in the corners, and I said, ‘It’s six guys. Two start and every few minutes, another cage opens and one more guys enters the fight, and everyone fights until there’s one guy left.' I thought it could be interesting because, if the Superstars involved have issues, then there’s intrigue."

"In typical WWE form, it was twice as big as I envisioned it and twice as elaborate. We don’t do anything small, so I should have known better. When I stood in it for the first time, I thought, ‘Jeez. Please don’t tell anybody this was my idea!’"

Estas afirmações de Triple H geraram um debate online sobre quem havia sido o criador do combate, Triple H ou Eric Bischoff. Bischoff confirmou a ideia de Triple H ter sido o criador do combate ao dizer: "It is true. It was only my idea in a story line." "He did."

Masculino Número de Mensagens : 19764
Idade : 30
Localização : Porto
Emprego/lazer : Estudante
Data de inscrição : 23/12/2008


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Triple H - Página 11 Empty Re: Triple H

Mensagem por Dans Qui Fev 20 2014, 16:36

Obrigado, Triple H  Triple H - Página 11 239680 Triple H - Página 11 395731 Triple H - Página 11 155333 
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion

Masculino Número de Mensagens : 4734
Idade : 58
Localização : Lisboa
Emprego/lazer : Aturar ressabiados
Data de inscrição : 08/08/2013

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Triple H - Página 11 Empty Re: Triple H

Mensagem por admin Qui Fev 27 2014, 15:03

Triple H fala do NXT Arrival e do futuro do desenvolvimento na WWE

WN escreveu:Triple H esteve ontem presente numa conferência no centro de treinos da WWE para promover o NXT Arrival desta da noite. Eis os highlights:...

He called it a great time to be a wrestling fan, talking about NXT being the future, Hulk Hogan returning, the WWE Network and more.

He talked about how proud he is of the Performance Center and NXT. He talked about Vince McMahon and WWE being so proud and trusting of NXT to let them have Arrival. He talked about Cesaro vs. Sami Zayn and predicted Cesaro will explode over the next few years.

Both he and Vince are really behind NXT, which is why it's the first live special on the Network.

He said the fans at Full Sail University own the NXT show, comparing it to something like ECW back in the day. He said Arrival feels like the NXT roster's WrestleMania and they are ready.

He knows who the next big stars to come out of NXT are but can't give it away. He said it's hard keeping things a surprise any more and he likes to have more fun that way.

He never thought WWE's talent development was in bad shape but realized it needed to grow. They will likely tour with live shows some more. He doesn't want NXT to go global but touring would help the talents.

The conversation between he and Vince when Vince wanted Triple H to take a bigger role in the company was one that took place over a long period of time. He joked that it happened way before he got involved with Stephanie McMahon. He enjoys watching the behind-the-scenes process and felt like a "giddy dad" watching The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family at Elimination Chamber. He said Vince had a huge smile on his face after the match and said, "Wow!"

He said taking over WWE creative was part of streamlining the process because they want everything to match up.

He praised the NXT trainers.

He said the guys from the indies are doing great moves but they need to learn story telling and that slowing down and letting fans digest what's going on is important.

They may do more live NXT shows on the Network in the future but right now they're focused on Arrival. NXT shows around the big pay-per-views like WrestleMania and SummerSlam are possible.

Masculino Número de Mensagens : 19764
Idade : 30
Localização : Porto
Emprego/lazer : Estudante
Data de inscrição : 23/12/2008


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Mensagem por Dr. Eira Sáb Mar 08 2014, 22:37

Curiosidades sobre a situação de Triple H dentro da WWE

Embora esteja constantemente a ser elogiado pelo seu trabalho e pelas alterações que fez, dentro da WWE tem sido discutida a possibilidade deste estar encarregue de demasiadas coisas cedo demais. Ao que parece, muitos sentem que Triple H tem muito trabalho em mãos de momento, talvez até de mais.

Depois da promo que Stephanie McMahon e Triple H fizeram na Raw, uma pessoa fez questão de notar ao F4Wonline a forma como Triple H usou o termo “hijack”, algo que Vince McMahon nunca faria. Essa pessoa acrescentou também que tal é uma indicação de como será o futuro da WWE nas mãos de Triple H. Segundo a fonte, Triple H está a deixar que a “internet” o afecte.

Fonte: WPT
Dr. Eira
Dr. Eira
FPW Hall Of Famer
FPW Hall Of Famer

Masculino Número de Mensagens : 33409
Idade : 32
Localização : Barcelos
Emprego/lazer : Otaku
Data de inscrição : 23/12/2008


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