Como está a moral no backstage da WWE
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Como está a moral no backstage da WWE
According to sources, backstage morale in WWE has been noticeably different after the recent Austin/McMahon podcast. The basic feeling is that McMahon buried almost everyone in the locker-room except for Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt. Sources report that McMahon see’s potential in those four guys but nobody else is currently on his radar. Dolph Ziggler (for now) may be the exception to that rule.
The source reports that nobody for years has been willing to reach for the “brass ring” and McMahon’s comment hit home with the guys who have had stop-and-start pushes and never were booked in a manner that would have made them anything but mid-carders. One topic of discussion was Cesaro as he was being looked at as a top guy who would eventually become a huge babyface. Of course, this fell apart once they turned him heel and he was booked as a midc-carder.
Following the backstage morale dropping, Triple H gave a speech to the entire roster before a recent WWE TV taping. One source described it as a “damage control” speech that backfired. The guys in NXT love him, but on the main roster, whatever he said lost him a lot of credibility, particularly with those who have been there for some time. Admittedly, he was put in a bad position, trying to come up with a positive spin on what Vince said to a locker room that he buried and are frustrated because most were done in by the stop-and-start booking and a promo style that gets almost nobody over.
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FPW: Fórum de Pro Wrestling :: Wrestling :: Notícias :: WWE